about us

why choose our product ?

Our Story

A small but rapidly growing brand which started from a place of frustration. Are you a person of color who is suffering from skin problems and have yet to find the right product to meet your needs? Are you tired of trying and frustrated to the point of giving up? I totally understand. I have been there.
My name is Lydwina. Founder of ZUJE COSMETICS and a young, black mother. The story of my brand began very early in my teenage years when I started having skin problems like acne, dark spots, dull skin, hyperpigmentation, to name a few. I tried so many products. Some of which were harsh and caused more harm than good. I was very uncomfortable about my skin and had to wear makeup all the time. Years
Down the road, I decided to start looking into every single ingredient that I used on my skin. My studies and findings led to my breakthrough, which gave birth to ZUJE COSMETICS. I started formulating my own skin care products with some of the wonderful natural ingredients I could find. Since then, My skin has not only looked and felt better, but I have also been very confident and comfortable in my own skin with or without makeup. The good news is YOU CAN TOO!!!!

The largest organ of your body is your skin. keep it healthy.

If you watch what you eat, you should equally watch what goes on your skin. I have seen and strongly believe in the benefits of natural ingredients and the wonders they can work for your skin when used in the right way .I use these natural ingredients to formulate products that will help you achieve your skin care goals safely
A Nature’s Touch

How we do it

Hand Made

Every single bottle/jar is formulated and packaged by hand in Orlando Florida


Our products are produced with so much attention and love to cater for the needs ofour customers (you) of various ages and skin colors.

Quality Ingredients

We carefully pick our ingredients, making sure every bottle/jar is filled with love,breakthrough, nature, comfort and confidence

Our Mission

Whether you suffer from hyperpigmentation, scars, acne, or you just need some radiance, I have something for you. I spent a great portion of my life seeking for a solution, you do not have to. I am here to help you achieve your skin care goals and bring back your confidence.